2013 Trend – Degree-Free Learning

What’s the Trend? Quality of E-learning content explodes as more students consider alternatives to traditional college educations. The eLearning trend moves beyond just hobbies to finally present a tempting alternative to a traditional college education – leading to much higher quality educational content online as more thought leaders in every industry (including leading University Professors

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2013 Trend – Social Visualization

What’s the Trend? Visualization goes beyond data to let people visualize their own social profiles, and conversations online. For more than a year, data visualization has been a big trend in the social media space (it was among my top 15 trends for my 2011 Trend Report!) Now this love affair with visualization is extending

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2013 Trend – Backstorytelling

What’s the Trend? Organizations uncover that one of their greatest assets to inspire loyalty can come from taking people behind the scenes of their brand and history. Every business has someone who is the legend behind the brand – and some are lucky to have that person still working. At large companies, employees can get

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2013 Trend – Method Consulting

What’s the Trend? Successful entrepreneurs and companies create “on-the-side” consulting models to help others duplicate their success. For decades business owners and MBA students alike have used case studies to learn about business processes and strategy. The problem with case studies is that they are just stories on paper and can’t usually offer any sort

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2013 Trend – Powered by Women

What’s the Trend? Business leaders, pop culture and ground-breaking new research intersect to prove that our ideal future will be led by women. We can finally put the old debate to rest … men and women are not equal: women are better. In the coming year, a combination of highly successful female role models, pioneering

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2013 Trend – MeFunding

What’s the Trend? Crowdfunding evolves beyond films or budding entrepreneurs to give anyone the opportunity to seek “me-funding” to do anything from taking a life changing trip to funding a college education. One of the biggest growth areas online last year was crowdfunding – and many “projects” involved helping people to start businesses, or create

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2013 Trend – Human Banking

What’s the Trend? Finally changing years of growing distrust, banks finally uncover their human side through simplifying their offerings and changing the tone of how they communicate. After years of negativity, brands in the financial sector are finally beginning to rebuild trust and even inspire loyal customers by taking a more simple and direct human

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2013 Trend – Partnership Publishing

What’s the Trend? Aspiring authors and publishing professionals team up to create a new “do-it-together” models of publishing. In between traditional publishing and do-it-yourself online publishing is a new form of partnership that is pairing proven publishing industry experts with new authors. The result is a new kind of partnership where every member of the

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2013 Trend – Shoptimization

What’s the Trend? Technology helps optimize the process of buying everything from fashion to medical prescriptions. As consumers become more conscious about what they buy, where they buy it, how much they spend for it, and how much time shopping takes – retailers and app-makers are discovering that the ultimate competitive advantage may come not

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15 Marketing Trends To Watch In 2013 + FREE Ebook!

A few days ago, I published the full 96 page report of my 15 marketing trends to watch for 2013 on Slideshare – and published an ebook on Amazon on the trends and how to use them for your business.  For the next 48 hours, the ebook will be available for free on Amazon …

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