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I spend a lot of time writing my books. For Non-Obvious Megatrends, my team of editors and I went through fourteen rounds of editing and obsessed over every word in every section to share the insights as succinctly as possible without losing the nuance of all the research we had amassed from ten years of

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Problemshifting and the Myth of Food Shortages

Every few months, there are stories about an impending food crisis. From the death of the humble banana, to the loss of fertile farming land to doomsday stories of outbreaks at food production plants, there are plenty of things to be afraid of. Yet the truth, proven by facts and data, is that the world is growing more than enough food

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Today’s Perfect Tourism Campaign: Send Your Virtual Sc ...

There are many things these days that might make you want to scream out loud – but it’s not always easy to find a place to do it. Now, in a timely new campaign for Iceland tourism, you can send your most heartfelt scream to them and the Icelanders will release that scream in nature for

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Tokyo 2020 Is Now The Longest Marketed Olympic Games In Hist ...

The Tokyo Olympics was scheduled to be happening this week and I was planning to be there. I’m a big Olympics fan so this week I can’t help but think about all the athletes who trained for years only to have their big shot delayed. What I didn’t consider, until reading this article, was that the

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The First Robot Many People Loved Is Getting a Second Life

Last year in I wrote about a story from WIRED about the unexpectedly real sense of loss that many owners of the Jibo robot were feeling when its parent company announced they would no longer be supporting the social bot. Now another company has acquired the rights and patents to Jibo and have plans for a bold

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Why More People Should Skip the Hustle and Take the Paycheck

Hollywood and just about any other creative industry is filled with success stories of people to took big risks to find that “performance of a lifetime.” To some degree, these are what make awards like the Oscars so watchable. That actor who lost (or gained) 50 pounds in service of a great role, or the

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