5 Marketing Lessons From The Alluring #FollowMe Project

About two years ago, aspiring photographer Murad Osmann was in Barcelona on vacation with his girlfriend Russian journalist Nataly Zakharova when she grabbed his hand to pull him forward – annoyed at how often he kept stopping to take photos. He captured that moment from his perspective, and it started a project where he spent

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The Best And Worst Of 2014 Sochi Olympics Marketing Strategy

Just mention “Olympic Marketing” to anyone in communications and two images will likely come to mind immediately. The first is the predictable 30 second spot focusing on the dedicated Olympian who wakes up super early, braves crazy cold temperatures and sacrifices a “normal” life for their dream. And the second is an army of lawyers

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Why Most Trends Don’t Matter (And 15 New 2014 Trends T ...

If you believe the typical trend declarations for 2014 – this is going to be the year of big data, wearable devices, and ubiquitous tablets. These are the facts we have heard over the past two months presented as big insights for the coming year. There are only a few problems with these so called

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The 300 Year Old Female Entrepreneur Story You’ve Neve ...

“Started by a woman, in a time when women didn’t start companies.” These are the powerful first words that introduce the story behind a brand you probably forgot you have in your kitchen right now. Kikkoman is the #1 best selling soy sauce brand worldwide, in a category filled with syrupy competitors that can rarely

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Rainbow Loom vs. Silly Bandz – Why One Marketing Fad O ...

The carpet in my living room this weekend was covered with hundreds of tiny rubber bands. The bands are part of an addictive new toy kit called Rainbow Looms that let kids create their own woven bracelets out of these small rubber bands. Invented by a Chinese immigrant dad of two teenage daughters, the product

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BOOK LAUNCH: ePatient 2015 – 15 Surprising Trends Chan ...

Today I launched ePatient 2015 – 15 Surprising Trends Changing Healthcare, my newest book focused on the future of healthcare. It might seem like an odd project for me to launch – being a marketing guy. This is the unexpected story of why and how I did it (along with my co-author Fard Johnmar), and

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How LinkedIn, YouTube & Others Could Finally Cure Stupi ...

The greatest collection of human stupidity ever amassed sits on the Internet … and you probably encounter it every day. When you go online today, there is some great content – and a deluge of bad, useless or otherwise idiotic content. It is common knowledge that content creation online is exploding and that much of

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Marketing Advice From 15 Big Brands (And How To Write An eBo ...

There is a trick that only a handful of the most entrepreneurial wedding videographers know.  Thanks to advances in the speed of video editing technology, the process of editing has gotten much faster.  In response, a select group of talented videographers now promise that they will shoot your wedding, and edit a video version of

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A Guide To Overcoming The Myth Of Content Marketing

If there was a balloon made of KoolAid, I probably wouldn’t be able to resist popping it. KoolAid – aside from being a sugary drink that is deliciously bad for you, is also an analogy many of us use to describe a situation when everyone is blindly agreeing with an idea without questioning it.  This

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36 Quick Tips And Examples Of Great Content Marketing

Last week a wonderful piece of curated content marketing advice from 36 experts was published in advance of the largest global event dedicated to content marketing – Content Marketing World (CMW) in Cleveland, Ohio on September 10th. To create this collaborative book, my friend Lee Odden and his team reached out to a group of

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