Smoothies, Whiskey And The Art of Secondary Marketing

Sometimes you can’t fix a bad website. It probably took me about five years of leading digital campaigns for brands in a variety of industries before I finally accepted that sad fact. The problem is, when you know what to fix it is easy to think that no one will object to you doing it.

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Finding The Cure For Social Media Jealousy: How To Limit You ...

There is a wonderful feature on the new Amazon Kindle to help keep children from becoming too dormant. The feature, called Kindle FreeTime, lets parents measure and limit “screen time.”  Given the amount of time many of us spend on social media, the feature does inspire an interesting thought … What if someone offered the

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Rainbow Loom vs. Silly Bandz – Why One Marketing Fad O ...

The carpet in my living room this weekend was covered with hundreds of tiny rubber bands. The bands are part of an addictive new toy kit called Rainbow Looms that let kids create their own woven bracelets out of these small rubber bands. Invented by a Chinese immigrant dad of two teenage daughters, the product

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How To Be Inspired

I used to think I was easily inspired. For the past several years, the explanation for this fact usually came down to my devotion to reading. There was a time when I would specifically plan out an hour in my schedule dedicated to reading. Often it came during my morning train commute to work. I

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How I Launched A Startup, Failed, Moved To Australia, Got Fi ...

Someone asked me tonight what my “story” was – and I always wish for a better answer to that question.  After all, I spend a good part of my life telling stories and helping companies to tell them as well.  Tomorrow I will be spending an entire day at an event called the Future of

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BOOK LAUNCH: ePatient 2015 – 15 Surprising Trends Chan ...

Today I launched ePatient 2015 – 15 Surprising Trends Changing Healthcare, my newest book focused on the future of healthcare. It might seem like an odd project for me to launch – being a marketing guy. This is the unexpected story of why and how I did it (along with my co-author Fard Johnmar), and

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