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I2m_chefsrightsnow_1 New York City is home to some of the finest Italian restaurants in the world, yet a growing challenge for many of these restaurants is consistently filling their tables.  In an effort to remind consumers of the important role of the chef in making real Italian food, New York City Italian chefs are uniting to form a new online movement that Ogilvy PR has been helping them to launch.  The new group, chartered as Chef’s Rights Now, is an organization of chefs dedicated to furthering awareness of the importance of the role of the Italian chef in the New York dining landscape.  Chef’s Rights Now started with a simple viral video which we posted online and has slowly grown as more and more chefs join the movement.  In fact, there is an actual protest planned on October 5th in Times Square.  The movement is starting and we are thrilled to be part of the launch.  Check out the website and support NYC Italian chefs now. Just imagine what your world would be like without them …

Astroturfing Afterward: This campaign may be launched in jest, yet the issue it raises is very real.  Lookout on Monday for an update on the issue and more details on the dastardly marketers causing our poor chefs so much trouble.  In the meantime, show your support for the chefs and have a meal at an Italian restaurant this weekend.  Italian chefs in New York and across the United States thank you for your support.