Imb_rssray1_4 I give a good ten minute presentation.  In fact, if you think about the usual types of speaking outside of keynotes, ten minutes is really all you get.  This is not just for public speaking, but also in front of clients.  Talking for a long time rarely pays off.  On conference panels, the people rated smartest are usually those that make the shortest insights and avoid going on for too long.  In client situations, the most trusted advisors and consultants are the ones that can explain complex concepts quickly.  Length is your enemy, it seems, when it comes to speaking.

Yet every once in a while you do have a moment when you have the chance to have a longer block of time to speak.  Enough time to really explore a topic or share more than just a few soundbites of opinion or insight.  This is not the type of speaking that everyone does, because its far more likely to expose your weakness.  Yet on the few occasions when I have had the chance to do it (including a few weeks ago in Austin), I have found it enormously fulfilling.  Today at 2pm EST, I am doing a radio interview on the RSS Ray Online Marketing program for just about an hour.  We will cover a great range of topics, and more importantly I will share more details about Personality Not Included (PNI) and offer an inside look to what you’ll find in the book.   

If you have time and can tune in, the show is available free online.  The show will also be uploaded to iTunes afterwards so you can download it and listen to it at your leisure.