It is a commonly known fact that CEOs often call one another for advice. In the world at the top, sometimes the only person that can really understand you is someone in the same situation. It’s why the happily married tennis stars are married to other tennis stars, for example. When it comes to social media, this idea is the premise behind a group that was formed by my friend Andy Sernovitz that I have been watching grow with interest. The group is called the Blog Council, and it was founded with the simple idea of bringing large companies together to help one another solve their common challenges in using social media and scaling it up across an entire large enterprise.

Coming up very soon is the first event from this group which may very well be the best deal for a social media conference you are likely to find this Fall season. For just $300$200 (see Andy’s comment below), you’ll have a ticket to attend a day featuring 8 case studies from some of the largest brands using social media today, including Dell, Cisco, Intel and UPS. I’m proud to say a few of our clients will be making speaking appearances there, and it’s the ultimate irony for me to be promoting an event that I won’t be able to make personally due to another travel conflict … but I highly recommend attending if you have anything to do with working in social media at a large company.

To make it even easier for you to convince your boss to let you go in this tight economy, you can use the code "rohitbookdeal" when you register and you’ll get an additional 15% off your registration AND a free copy of my book, Personality Not Included. So basically you can attend a great social media conference with actionable insights you’ll be able to take directly back to your company and get a halfway decent book all for less than $250$170. That’s pretty much everything but the Ginsu knives, unless Andy manages to sign up Ginsu between now and the event on October 28th … in which case you might actually get those knives as swag.

See all the details and register at (use code "rohitbookdeal" to get 15% off and a FREE copy of Personality Not Included).