How to Stage An Effective Protest

As I write this, there is a protest going on outside of our office. People are playing drums, attracting attention and marching around in circles singing the same refrain over and over. They're not protesting us – or at least, I think they aren't, but aside from a sign that says something about wages and

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TED And The Power Of Unlocking Your Archive

This week the annual gathering of pioneering minds called the TED (the Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference is taking place in Long Beach, California. In its 25th year, the conference has been steadily building a huge online following since their decision in 2004 to offer public downloadable videos of these talks to the rest of

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What You Can Learn From Airlines On Customer Service (Not A ...

The idea that airlines are doing something right when it comes to customer service seems laughable for anyone who has had to fly recently and endured rotten service, delays, crowds and any other indignity that has become an everyday part of the travel experience. Still, there is one area where airlines have pioneered a system

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3 Reasons Super Bowl Ads Failed, And 3 That Worked

Most marketing blogs the day after the Super Bowl are sharing the same disappointment at the ads and how universally average they were. Meanwhile, some of the best campaigns of the Super Bowl season were efforts launched online or that had a significant online component, but the fact remains that many Super Bowl ads simply

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