Why Singapore Needs A World Class Airport

Singapore Changi International is one of the best airports in the world. Despite being a tiny country, Singapore is home to one of the largest international hubs for air travel in southeast Asia, and home to one of the best airlines in the world – Singapore Airlines. Why would such a tiny country need such

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Don't Be A Flack … Why Bloggers Need Personal Pit ...

As a blogger for now nearly five years, I get my fair share of pitches from PR people and companies. So when I was updating my website and adding a top navigation bar and new pages with information about speaking, media and other things … I knew I would want to address the topic of

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Accidental Measurement And Why We Love Useless Metrics

I'm not a measurement geek by any stretch of the imagination. As much as I love a good statistic, I'd put myself in the same category as most marketers … we realize that measurement is important, but we wish it were easier to grasp and involved less guesswork and questionable assumptions. There are many smart

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Why Content Spam Works And 3 Ways To Fight It

I am a marketer and I have a few confessions to make. I click on all sorts of things I shouldn’t online. I request catalogs I might only read once. I subscribe to emails just to see who’s buying ads in them. And I sign up to beta test sites that I may only ever

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7 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Twitter's Succes ...

By any measure, the growth and popularity of Twitter has been phenomenal. To say that Twitter has hit mainstream isn't really the right metric to use. It's more powerful to note that for a large group of Twitter enthusiasts, to spend even a day without using it would be as bad (or perhaps even worse)

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Customer Satisfaction Doesn't Matter

I'm a satisfied cable television customer. My TV signal generally works, I have it bundled with my home internet access and in four years of service I've only had one issue, and it was fixed relatively quickly. The price I pay is average, and though I'm not getting a great deal, I'm also not getting

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SEO: A Business Model Worth Copying

Amidst the gloom surrounding media and even online advertising, there is one category that has steadily been growing year after year and shows few signs of slowing down. Search marketing groups that offer search engine optimization (SEO) are still the darling of the interactive world (along with social media groups, of course) and in many

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How To Create A Content Marketing Strategy

If you haven’t heard the term “content marketing” – you soon will. The idea of content marketing is becoming more popular among marketing teams as a result of the growing influence of social media, but it has been around much longer than that. White papers, contributed articles, even infomercials are all forms of content marketing.

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A Marketing Lesson From Landlocked Mangoes

In India, there are over 1000 varieties of mangoes. The fruit is used for everything from drinks to cooking – and it is pickled, stewed, juiced and even used for medicinal purposes. What you may not know about Indian mangoes is that until 2007 there had been an 18 year ban on importing them into

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Why Government Needs Social Media NOW

Recently there has been some talk on a few other DC-based social media consultant blogs about the rise of "Government 2.0" and whether the so-called experts in the space really deserve that title. Yet for all this attention on expertise in social media (justified or not), those of us who at least work and provide

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