The Undiscovered Marketing Potential Of A USB Stick

My laptop doesn't have a CD-ROM drive. Like many owners of smaller notebooks, I don't see the value of having that piece built into my computer as I would rather save the space and have a lighter and smaller machine. As netbooks become more and more popular and the rumored tablet becomes a reality (either

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Social Media & The Axe Murderer: How Privacy Is Evolving ...

Everyone knows there are certain pieces of information that you just don't share online, right? What if you used Twitter or Foursquare to broadcast your location at a bar, and an axe murderer was reading your stream? You just signed your own death sentence. Or how about sharing details about where you live and or

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Can Domino's Turn Around Their Cardboard Reputation?

What would you do if you surveyed your customers and they all said you suck? It may seem like a worst case scenario, but companies are faced with this challenge more often than you would think. It is not easy to hear, and in part it is the reason many companies simply don't survey their

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3 Non-Tech Business Trends From CES That Matter For All Of U ...

The end of last week was the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) which attracts more than 120,000 people from all parts of the technology industry together to Las Vegas to share their latest innovations and visions for the future. NBC was reporting live from the tradeshow floor, all the big tech publications were there and

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The Colorful Secret Women Don't Want Us To Know

This is just a short post about a brilliant viral marketing campaign that is happening right now which you might have already seen. Women around the world are just posting a color in their Facebook status updates and sharing it with their girlfriends only. The whole thing is designed to raise awareness about breast cancer

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What Vegas Can Teach You About Marketing

In a place best known for accidental weddings, expensive hangovers and overly plasticized lounge singers it may seem that there isn't much to learn when it comes to marketing. In fact, to amend a Vegas cliche, it may seem that what works in Vegas (for marketing), only works in Vegas. That's not entirely true, though.

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5 Non-Obvious Marketing Trends To Watch In 2010

In these last few weeks of 2009, one of the things that nearly everyone is doing is getting ready for what is to come in 2010. Like many bloggers, I have already started reading some "predictions" for 2010 – which often take lessons learned for 2009 and project them into the next year. For my

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