I’m not a Valentine’s Day hater. In fact, I love celebrating the fact that I’m married to an amazing woman. Reading all the happy posts from friends and family is a great feeling. I even don’t mind the usual marketing for flowers and jewelry or exotic vacations all day. But just because today happens to be a holiday (kind of), doesn’t mean it has to be YOUR brand’s holiday. Buying new tires isn’t romantic – and neither is your super sale. No, Valentine’s Day isn’t a great day to sell anything red. And if you’re offering free divorces on Valentine’s Day – there’s probably a special place in hell waiting for you.

So here’s a Valentine’s Day marketing strategy that has been under appreciated for far too many years: just shut up. Let lovers enjoy each other. Give the single people a break on trying to exploit loneliness. And for once, maybe just decide to skip the Valentine’s promotion.

Don’t worry, you can always offer a sale for no reason on President’s Day. It’s just a few days from now anyway.