Media Bias and the Redskins Bandwagon

The Redskins are hot in DC this week.  Just about everyone who doesn’t already have a team allegiance is on the bandwagon now that they have won their first playoff game, and face the NFC’s #1 ranked team on Saturday.  I’ve loved the Redskins since I was a kid, even waking up at 7am on

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Priority Club Redefines the Travel Loyalty Program

About two months ago, my wife joined the pilot Buzz Agent program for the new Priority Club Any Hotel, Any Reward program.  The travel industry does not have a history of transparency, when it comes to pretty much anything.  Hotels focus on the lobby, while the back rooms, employee elevators, and other hidden areas are

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Google Outsells Sun in Enterprise Hardware?

Among the many hidden legs of Google is the enterprise platform search product that they have available for large customers who need a solution that can search hundreds of thousands of documents quickly.  In contrast to Sun’s desire to give their servers more sex appeal, Google’s product design team seems happy to stick with the

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TrendSpot: The Rise of Human Search Filters

The Trend:The same perceived lack of structure on the web that originally led Jerry Yang to create the first Yahoo Internet Directory is causing one of the most prevalent trends online today, the rise of human search filters.  Search engines are getting more sophisticated as algorithms get refined for every new spammers trick – to

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Aquafina Asks Consumers to Film their New Year's Resolu ...

Along with the new year comes the new year’s resolution, and marketers tired annual attempts to make their own products and services a part of that resolution.  But the best resolutions are the easiest to keep, and what could be easier than the universal piece of dieting advice almost every "guru" offers … drink more

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The New US Airways Missed WOM Opportunity

As part of the merger between US Airways and America West airlines announced in November last year (2005), they had an intriguing new decision to make about the beverage brands that they served on their flights.  America West had Pepsi and Budweiser, US Airways had Coke and Miller.  Over the past decade, both brands in

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