MSN Launches Player Blogs on Road to the World Cup Site

As part of MSN’s new UK-based site leading up to the 2006 Soccer World Cup, they are featuring "player diaries" – which are blogs by several famous players including Brazil’s Ronaldinho, England’s Michael Owen, and the Netherlands’ Edgar David.  What a great inside way of building fan excitement and helping them connect with players!  Each

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Do Impressions Matter in Search Marketing?

For clients new to search marketing, I have often explained the concept to them as "only paying for results."  In effect, the beauty and sales proposition of search marketing has always been that you are only paying for clicks, and impressions are essentially free.  I anticipate for many SEM professionals, this has also led to

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Lessons on Timing from a Bridal Show

Today is the Washington Bridal Show – one of the DC area’s largest bridal shows.   You have to admire their weekend timing … the first weekend of the fall/winter season without any football games.  I wonder how many fiances got suckered into coming to the event simply because they couldn’t use the excuse of football

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Cool Sunday Sites: Fastr, Bad Design Kills, & Googlewhac ...

Fastr: A cool interactive game where you see a bunch of pictures randomly displayed from Flickr and have to guess the tag that relates to all of them.  A few technical bugs, but fun anyway. Bad Design Kills: A great viral site for designers, with printouts to put all over the office to help stop

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Does Advocacy Work Better Online?

In the recent issue of Wired Magazine, there is a telling story about the rise of online fundraising in light of the many tragedies the world has suffered, from hurricanes to the Tsunami.  Bottom line, far more money was raised at lower cost online.  Advocacy, of course, is about far more than raising money online. 

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On Making Word of Mouth and PR Work Together

Last week I read a Business Week article on The Universal Question, Fred Reichheld’s new book about how companies should ask their customers whether or not they would recommend the company to a friend – and use that as a gauge for judging customer satisfaction.  On Friday, I heard about Fred’s keynote at the WOMMA

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Going Micro: Affiliate Marketing Online Finds a Niche

Here’s a question.  If you are a marketer trying to reach consumers, would you rather hit 500,000 people in one site, or use 1,000 different sites (with a readership of 500 unique people each) to reach the same number of individuals?  Making the broad assumption that a higher majority of readers of smaller publications are

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Something Smells Good at IAD

In the baggage claim at Dulles Airport there are a few cafes selling the usual last minute snack fare.  At IAD, and most other airports, only difference between these vendors is how many steps they are from their customer at any particular time.  Yesterday, as I waited to pick someone up, I (and most of

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Marketing with Blogs

Blogs are about sharing a real voice.  An honest voice.  And honest voices have steadily lost their place as marketing and advertising today has become much more about "advertainment."  The Superbowl, the world’s shining example of Advertainment is just two short weeks away.  Yet blog marketing, done right, offers the chance to add something that

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Intelligent TV and Online Communities

There is a battle going on in the world of television.  On one side are the lovers of "intelligent" TV.  Shows like Lost, West Wing, 24, and others that require a level of concentration and intelligent involvement in the story lines.  On the other side, is "Darnell" TV – reality shows (often created by Mike

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