Chalkvertising: Watch Julian Beever Create One of his 3-D Pa ...

As a follow up to my earlier post about our campaign for Aveeno working with Julian Beever, we just posted a video on YouTube showing how Julian creates those amazing 3-D pavement drawings of his.  You can see all of his previous work in a Flickr Gallery, and the video is below:

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IdeaBar: "Beaconvertising" And New Social Media Ph ...

This post is not about the iPhone.  You might have heard that many people believe the latest innovation from Apple will not only revolutionize the mobile phone industry, but maybe even the future of mobile marketing.  Whether it does or doesn’t, in the short term, it’s easy to forget that ideas for innovation may come

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Google Celebrates Australia Day With An Aerial Maps Mashup

For those that haven’t been keeping up on their Aussie daily news ticker, today is Australia Day – and to celebrate, Google has launched an innovative campaign where they have been photographing Sydney Harbor from the skies through the course of the day and posting images on a mashup site for anyone to see.  The

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Sneak Preview: Rembrandt TV Ad to Break on Desperate Housewi ...

In a rare move, I am actually posting two days in a row about real client projects (I know, it’s shocking).  For those who know me and this blog, I don’t often talk about client work – mainly because our corporate blogging policy prevents it, and much of our work is either confidential or we

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The Aveeno Fountain of Youth

I am in New York today working on an interesting project for Aveeno where we have commissioned Julian Beever to create a three dimensional pavement painting as part of the skincare brand’s support for the social marketing campaign – Keep America Beautiful.  For those unfamiliar with Julian’s work, he is known as the "Pavement Picasso"

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What Brands are you Passionate About?

Everyone has brands that they are passionate about.  Yahoo’s dedication to launching 100 "Brand Universes," the success of marketing concepts like "Lovemarks" and the rise of consumer generated media are just a few of the symptoms that would point anyone towards this conclusion.  Yet we all know that there are levels of brand enthusiasts.  There

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Trendspot: Simplicity Marketing from Apple, Nintendo, and UP ...

Like anyone else, I find Steve Job’s product launch presentations to be mesmerizing.  Apple is certainly getting their mileage out of his typically irresistable keynote performance from Macworld, where Jobs announced the iPhone – marketing the download from the homepage of the iTunes store and probably getting millions of downloads already.  Yesterday evening, I also

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The 5 Reasons Some User Interfaces Suck on Purpose

Once upon a time I used to focus my efforts on helping my clients create great user experiences.  I even wrote a Masters level thesis on User Interfaces and the user experience.  Somewhere along the way, I realized that my real passion was in marketing – but those days of architecting usable interfaces comes in

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Sun's Schwartz: A Model for the Social Media CEO?

This past weekend, the Saturday Interview in the business section of the NY Times focused on Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Sun.  Over the course of a single column, Schwartz shared more insight into the evolving media world (and how businesses should work) than most other CEO I have seen in recent past.  Among his gems

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R-E-S-P-E-C-T: The Secret of Success for "24"

Add to: | blinklist | | digg | yahoo! | furl | rawsugar | shadows | netvouz As just about everyone knows, the season premiere of the best show on television kicked off for two nights straight on last night and Sunday night with the first four episodes.  Serial dramas are hot right now,

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