I just got word yesterday that the presentation titled "The 25 Basic Styles of Blogging … And When to Use Each One" which I submitted for a contest on SlideShare.net was awarded an honourable mention prize by the judges of the event!  No money or actual prizes involved, but the competition was nearly 500 other presentations so it’s a great honor.  For the record, the original blog post announcing this presentation used 4 of the basic styles described in the presentation:

  1. Contact Blogging – My main intention of the presentation was so that Guy Kawasaki would know I exist. We both participated in CommunityNext earlier this year, but I didn’t get to meet him then – so this presentation was my chance to make up for it and try to indirectly "meet" him.
  2. Insight Blogging – Hopefully the presentation had a viewpoint that others had not shared before and was insightful.  Only you can really judge that for yourself.
  3. Ambition Blogging – Obviously, my ambition was to win the contest and get lots of fame and glory.  Mission accomplished (sort of).
  4. List Blogging – If you haven’t noticed already, I love doing lists as posts and though "25" is a much longer list than I typically do, I find it helps to think about topics and write about them in this way and makes it far more readable.

Thanks to all who voted for the presentation and those who went to SlideShare and viewed it!