10 Truths of Marketing in a Web2.0 World

I am in Austin today participating in the eMarketing Summit as part of the Innotech Conference.  I had the chance to do a lunch keynote presentation following Allen Olivo of Yahoo – focused on marketing in a Web2.0 world.  The presentation had a great crowd of engaged people and most (surprisingly) managed to stay awake

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The Gun Is In The Wrong Hand

When you watch a film, do you notice which hand the character on screen is holding the gun in?  And if you do, would you notice if in a following scene, the gun happened to be in the wrong hand?  I guarantee you anyone who has ever worked on editing a film will notice this. 

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The Future of PR Means Dumping The Inferiority Complex

Last week on Thursday I spent the day at the TurnPROn event in San Francisco focused on the future of public relations.  It was hosted as part of the Online Market World conference, and a relatively small and concentrated event.  Despite the small size, the lineup of speakers was surprisingly good, and included folks like

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Can LitLiberation Raise $1 Million For Public Schools in 4 W ...

Tim Ferriss thinks so, and he’s bringing together an amazing list of influencers like Marc Andreessen, Drew Curtis, Tom Foremski, Matt Mullenweg, Darren Rowse, Premal Shah, Gina Trapani and lots of others to help him do it.  When I first met Tim at an event before his phenomenally successful 4 Hour Workweek came out, he

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Thinking Outside the Demographic – Why Customer Passio ...

If you have been in marketing for any amount of time, you know how omniprescent demographics are.  The first question most marketing teams will focus on is "what’s our target demographic?"  Demographics are what media is bought by and what media properties define themselves by.  Ask any online community about their core audience, and they

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Behind the Pages Of My Upcoming Book: Personality Not Includ ...

UPDATE: The book is out! See www.personalitynotincluded.com for details on the book. Since announcing some time ago that I will be writing my first marketing book, I haven’t spoken much on this blog about it.  I have, however, adjusted my working schedule and relied on the patience and flexibility of my teammates at Ogilvy to

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