RSS Ray Radio Show Today: An Inside Look At PNI

I give a good ten minute presentation.  In fact, if you think about the usual types of speaking outside of keynotes, ten minutes is really all you get.  This is not just for public speaking, but also in front of clients.  Talking for a long time rarely pays off.  On conference panels, the people rated

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A Lineup of All Stars at New New Internet in DC

This Thursday I have the chance to moderate a panel titled "Engaging your client community via blogs and social media" at the New New Internet event right here in the Washington DC area.  Aside from being one of the few local events that I have the chance to speak at after my whirlwind of events

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Lufthansa Proves Sweden Is Full of Gorgeous Blondes

Typical marketing advice says that you should never focus on marketing your category, but instead focus on what makes your service distinct from your competitors.  Marketing an industry or type of service is usually a losing proposition because even if you convince someone they need something, you have not convinced them that they need to

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A Recap of Ideas from Nielsen's CGM Summit 2007

I spent the day today at the Nielsen CGM Summit in NY listening to some panels and presentations from Nielsen and many of their clients about the future of measuring CGM.  One thing I was looking forward to about this event in particular is that the percentage of brands vs. agencies in attendance would be

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What You Can Learn About Marketing From the Brazilian Soccer ...

Have you ever played soccer with a Brazilian?  On the soccer field, there are many styles that you come to recognize if you have played against enough international players.  Germans have a different style than Mexicans.  As most soccer players will tell you, the Brazilian style of soccer is something special.  Their approach is also

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7 Lessons On How To Be a Great Client

I’ve spent a lot of years working in marketing agencies and the one thing you learn with that kind of background is how to build relationships quickly.  Of course, the thing that’s a bit tougher to admit is that some relationships are much better than others.  It is simple human nature to say that people

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Idea Bar: The Uber Business Card

I’ve been to a lot of conferences and tradeshows recently, and as most attendees of those types of events know, you get a lot of freebies.  The whole idea of many exposition halls is for companies to find ways to give away the right free crap with their names on it to that they can

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The Best Marketing Book You've Never Read

One day I am going to write a screenplay.  I used to write plays, but to finally write a screenplay and try to sell it to Hollywood is a great ambition of mine that I will probably chase one day.  But this blog is most definitely about marketing and not screenwriting.  So why bring up

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Blog Action Day: 7 Tips on Eating Differently To Impact Clim ...

One thing I can’t resist is an ambitious project.  As a marketer, if there is a groundswell for something that I believe in or find interesting, I am highly likely to try and be a part of it.  That’s why I join all sorts of groups, and why I try to lend my voice to

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8 Marketing Ideas from Facebook Groups

I admit I’m part of the Facebook bubble.  The group of people who joined in the months after Facebook has been opened up to the masses outside of the college students … now I am doing my part to overtake the college and high school students and corrupt Facebook as a tool for business and

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