Guest Post: Facebook Jumping the Shark

and of course Cory Doctorow in an Information Week article: Columnist Cory Doctorow describes how Facebook and other social networks have built-in self-destructs: They make it easy for you to be found by the people you’re looking to avoid. It may not happen today, it may not happen tomorrow, but inevitably Facebook will experience a

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Guest Post: The Added Value of Social Networks in Pitching

By Lee Odden Several times a day a pitch comes in via email, Facebook message or other means (Twitter) announcing an event, a new venture, to review some new sort of software or "in case you are interested and would like to speak to one of our executives about this exciting news…" ugh.  Some are

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Guest Post: Virgin America safety video is worth watching

Congrats to Rohit on the new addition here’s my humble addition to his guest post collection. This is a cross posting from experiencecurve so I apologize if you have already seen it. The key thing that I think is highlighted here is how much of a difference you can make to a customers experience by

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Guest Post: What's In a Name?

By Nedra Weinreich I’m honored to have been invited to join the illustrious cast of bloggers here filling in. Congratulations to Rohit and his family on the birth of Jaiden Kumar! What a beautiful name. I’ve been thinking about names a lot lately. Many would say that names are destiny. What you are called shapes

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Why the Future of Online Advertising is About Identity

[ Cross-posting from Internet Evolution ] Facebook’s recent push for "social advertising" is one of the biggest topics of discussion in the advertising industry this year. It’s interesting that such a potentially disruptive idea is coming from somebody other than Google  (Nasdaq: GOOG). The move essentially creates a model for "microadvertising" within Facebook where you

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Guest Post: Is Word of Mouth a Discipline or Just a Channel?

by John Bell Rohit has invited a handful of folks to post on his blog while he manages his true key influencers – family (including the newest member!). It only seems fitting that each of us post on what we care about most. In my case, that’s word of mouth marketing. My team uses digital

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Welcome Jaiden Kumar Bhargava!

Warning: this post is not about marketing.  Well, it is sort of about branding.  We welcomed Jaiden Kumar Bhargava, our second baby, into the world yesterday at 2:18pm.  Labor and delivery went very quickly, everyone’s good and we’ll all be heading home from the hospital tomorrow.  Thanks to everyone for their emails and wall posts

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Guest Post: The Art & Science of Story

By Kevin DuganStory telling has made me a better communicator. It’s even driven my latest impulse purchase. Even the discovery of the Romulus and Remus Grotto provides a timely example of the power of story. Rome was founded by Romulus. He, along with his twin brother Remus, was nursed by a wolf (Oy, Freud would

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Guest Post: Understanding blogging is about understanding co ...

By Mack Collier It’s happened to all of us.  We’ll go a day without posting at our blog.  Then before we know it the day has become two, then three.  When we finally get a chance to post again, we leave that post that all of us have left. The ‘sorry about the lack of

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Guest Post: Creativity 2.E

The Evolution of Creativity is Underway.  Which Side Are You On?By David Armano Are you a Planner who thinks about design?  Maybe you are a designer who obsesses about the business impact of your designs.  Or you might be an Information Architect who thinks about motion, transitions, multimedia, and uses tools like storyboarding and visual

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