6 Non-Salesy Ways To Ask Your Customers To Promote You

Want to know the #1 reason your customers don't recommend you to their friends? It isn't because they don't like your product, or because they don't care or are too busy. The real reason is either because you don't ask them to, or you don't make it easy for them to do it. If you

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What Journalists Should Know About PR People

Yesterday I wrote a post about what all PR people should know about journalists.  One of the most frequent comments to that post was a request from many readers that I take the opposite approach and share what journalists and the media should know about PR people. So here's a starting list of what media

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What All PR People Should Know About Journalists

There was a movie released several years ago where Mel Gibson played a character that was struck by lightning and all of a sudden was able to hear women's thoughts. His character was an ad agency executive (the unfortunate default Hollywood stereotype of choice to signify that he was a bit of an ass), and

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Friday Poll: Do "Social Media Experts" Need A Blog ...

Earlier today I posed a question on Twitter about whether anyone calling themselves a "social media expert" should be required to have their own blog or at least contribute to a blog. It was inspired by the recent trend that many people have noticed of everyone who has ever visited a blog claiming that they

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How To Use Curation To Make Your Blog Better: Lessons From P ...

If you talk to most successful bloggers today, they will likely tell you that some part of the formula for their success has been their ability to adapt their blog to what people actually wanted to read and interact with instead of sticking to a closed vision of what their blogs should or could offer.

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Letter To The CEO: 6 Ways To Help Your Brand Survive In 2009

Several months ago, I was invited by Jeff Rohrs of ExactTarget to participate in a smart campaign they put together to get a few marketing minds to write a fictional "letter to the CEO" about what they would recommend to do differently in 2009. Jeff and his team have put all these suggestions together into

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Being Faceless & Telling Secrets On January 14th

This is going to be a great week, with two events coming up on January 14th that I’m particularly excited about and will definitely be worth your time if you can make them. The first is a virtual webinar event that anyone anywhere in the world should be able to dial into, and the second

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3 Unlikely CES Standouts: A Case, Mat and Radio

Since CES is the biggest tradeshow in the electronics industry and features some of the best new technology and hottest gadgets in the world. So it’s more than a little odd that my three picks for standouts at the conference can be described in relatively simple and non technical terms. This doesn’t mean they don’t

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Victorinox Introduces A Swiss Army Knife For Your Powerpoint

One of the new arrivals to the Consumer Electronics Show this year is Victorinox celebrating their 125th anniversary by taking what many may consider a traditional and storied toolmaker and planting one foot firmly in the land of consumer electronics. Here at the CES Victorinox is set to announce their newest product, called Presentation Pro,

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What You Can Learn From Ketchup & Microchips

In 1991 Intel did something that changed the marketing world forever. Realizing that as a microchip maker, it would be very difficult to advertise their products to end consumers who were buying a machine and not a chip, Intel created a co-op marketing program. The premise of it was simple and brilliant. Instead of spending

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