5 Ways To Use Twitter's New List Feature For Marketers

There is no denying that Twitter has had a huge impact on how marketers are thinking about using social media tools for marketing. One thing that is most interesting about it, however, is how the site has managed to avoid overcomplicating itself with more features. Twitter is simple, and it just works. Of course the

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9 Marketing Lessons From The Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Campa ...

If you have watched any television or been inside a retail store at any point this month in the US, it would have likely been hard to miss the omnipresence of pink where it wasn’t before. From pink clothes, to laptops, to banners to shoes and gloves on your favourite NFL players, the marketing blitz

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Do You Know Someone Who Loves Your Brand?

For years in the automotive industry, marketers have known that getting someone to actually purchase a car depends on much more than the features and latest gadgetry. No one buys a car solely for the face detection alert software – though certainly something like that can influence the decision. What really sells those cars, though,

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Rural Audiences Say Size (Of Packaging) Matters

There was an interesting story recently in the Wall Street Journal talking about how computer manufacturers are heavily pushing into rural parts of China to convince more customers outside of major metropolitan areas to buy and start using computers. One particular campaign from Lenovo* uses a slogan featured in the WSJ piece of "Buy A

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Blog Action Day: 10 Great Climate Change Marketing Campaigns

Today is Blog Action Day, a global movement of bloggers to all discuss a single issue on one day around the world. I have been a fan of this concept since the first one back in 2007 when my contribution was a post about “7 tips on eating differently to impact climate change.”  This year

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The Women Of Personality eBook: Second Edition Launches

About six months ago, I created an ebook based on a surprising truth that I had uncovered in the year since my book had come out. Over that time, I received emails from many people talking about how they had found Personality Not Included to be useful in solving their own marketing challenges. Within them

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9 Fatal Flaws of Doing PR With Social Media: Exclusive Webin ...

When it comes to social media, it sometimes seems the only thing more plentiful than free advice is bad advice. Anyone with a newly minted blog and a Twitter account with a couple thousand followers seems ready to self-describe themselves as "social media guru" (which I feel like I should find offensive both as a

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Southwest vs. United: Why Authenticity Wins, Even In TV Adve ...

Over the course of two days, I saw two stark examples of what could easily be considered the best and worst of airline advertising messages encompassed in two ads done for domestic US-based airlines. Let’s start with the worst from United: What makes this ad so ineffective? First of all, the call to action to

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The World Business Forum Highlights The Power Of Passion

Earlier today the World Business Forum, one of the largest business events in the world, kicked off at the Radio City Music Hall in New York City. It was a fitting venue to host a range of visionary speakers that could rightly be called "rock stars" for their varied achievements in the world of business.

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