The Corporate Social Media Summit – All Brand Pros And ...

There is a fraternity of communicators at big brands who are pushing their organizations into adopt more social media, and it is a growing list. Our team is often part of their struggle, and we try to play the role of adviser and cheerleader as they fight the internal battles to do new and more

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Marketing To The Sadly Underappreciated Email Inbox

Every morning I do something which you will probably find surprising for a marketer: I unsubscribe to emails. More than that, I actively block senders of unwanted emails and routinely delete undesired emails before I even start reading those that I do. You might wonder why it is that I get so much email I

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SBF: How To Promote Your Business On Flickr

Flickr offers one of the largest image archives and communities online and one that is often not targeted because most small businesses aren't yet good at creating the one thing they need to have credibility in Flickr … high quality non-marketing images. This is a big deal because Flickr is not just a community of

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How To Salvage Your Brand On Facebook: Lessons For Nestle

If you haven't seen it by now, the Nestle brand* has run into a bit of a brand crisis on Facebook thanks to a combination of a coordinated attack from Greenpeace and missteps from the brand in communicating with consumers through the social media environment (for a good recap of the situation and analysis, read

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The 12 Types Of "Social Media Experts" – Whi ...

There is a fundamental problem among social media experts today. Some people have argued that the problem lies with people who are rushing to call themselves an expert without having the necessary experience. Others create some sort of artificial metric to try and put some parameters around who should be allowed to call themselves an

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SBF: How To Promote Your Small Business Online When Your Web ...

Ok, so you’ve decided to start using the Internet to promote your business more actively and most people you talk to who know about the web tell you the same thing … you need to redesign your website. The problem for many small businesses is that getting to the point when you actually have the

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Eating Left Handed (And 4 Other Tips To Survive A Big Confer ...

Every year in March I make my annual trek to Austin to be part of the South By Southwest Interactive show, one of the biggest gatherings of people working in all aspects of the web in the world. For those who have been, they might describe the event as a simultaneous assault of information, networking

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SXSH: 10 Ways For Healthcare Organizations To Build Trust

When SXSW, one of the largest gatherings of minds and enthusiasts in the digital world, didn’t feature more than a handful of panels on the intersection between health and social media – an “unconference” event called SXSH sprung up to fill the void. Yesterday that event came together in Austin and included speakers and pioneers

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SBF: The Surprising Gender Difference In Customer Loyalty

Several months ago I read a piece of research in the Journal of Marketing that I found both surprising and believable at the same time. In fact, the conclusion of this research made such an impression, I clipped a report of it and put it on the board beside my desk as a reminder of

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5 Ways To Make Your Business Easier To Recommend

This post is part of Make A Referral Week – an innovative project from John Jantsch at Duct Tape Marketing to generate 1000 referred leads to 1000 deserving small businesses. If I were to ask you what the secret was to getting someone to recommend and refer your business, what would you say? Perhaps you

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