5 Things Customer Care Teams Wish Marketers Did Differently

Earlier this week I had the chance to present at one of the largest annual meetings of customer care professionals in the world, the SOCAP International Symposium. SOCAP stands for the Society of Customer Care Professionals, and among other things, its members include the folks in charge of running call centers, managing customer response teams

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SBF: How To Avoid Wasting Money On A Sponsorship

Across my marketing career I've been involved in dozens of campaigns and marketing efforts that included some sort of sponsorship. Most marketers love sponsorships for the simple reason that they are packaged campaigns that are relatively low effort to implement. Someone else is doing something like an event or running a great organization and you

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Marketing India With The Rickshaw Challenge Race

If you imagine what India looks like, chances are you will picture two things. The Taj Mahal (of course) and the organized chaos of the Indian roads. In most cities large and small, people, cows, bicycles, cars, elephants, trucks and scooters all coexist in a transportation ecosystem that has managed to work despite its complexity.

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SBF: 6 Ways To Get People To Believe You Online

Let's be honest – the web isn't always the easiest place to create trusted relationships. After all, the personal cues that we might use when meeting someone face to face don't apply. You never know who may be behind the keyboard in any online conversation and there are plenty of unscrupulous characters ready to take

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Twitter Sponsored Tweets & Predicting The Future Of Mark ...

This week Twitter finally shared a business model that introduces the idea of promoted tweets as a way for organizations to pay for branded tweets to appear in search results much as paid results appear on any Google search. It's a simple and relatively conservative first step and though some people may have cried foul

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5 Marketing Lessons From Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

I used to dream of a good marketing TV show. Not one that makes the world of marketing into a scripted drama, like Mad Men. Or one that pretends to be about business but actually ends up being about relationships and emotional conflict like The Apprentice quickly became. The Shark Tank on ABC comes close,

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SBF: 5 Innovative New Business Models To Consider In 2010

As time goes on, one of the more interesting trends that continues to happen with surprising regularity is how frequently new business models and ways of doing business are emerging through social media and online tools. In many cases, these trends are helping to reinvent how businesses sell and consumers buy all kinds of products.

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How To Start A Movement

Some ideas are a banquet. They go on and on, and invite us to consider what they really mean for hours or days – or sometimes much much longer. Then there are the flashes of insight. The quick sparks that we immediately react to and understand when we hear or see or touch them. These

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SBF: 6 Pitfalls To Avoid When Choosing A Domain Name

We all know that a good domain name matters. When you are doing any sort of marketing, your call to action will often be to get people to your website – and if you choose a URL that doesn't make sense or is hard to remember, you are just making it hard for your customers

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5 Crazy Social Media Ideas We'd Love To See (But Probab ...

This year for April Fools Day, I was thinking of running another gag like I did last year – perhaps announcing that Zappos decided to buy Amazon or or something along those lines, but instead I thought I would go in a different direction. Today's post is about a few things in social media that

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