30 Second Book Review: Resonate – Present Visual Stori ...

Who has time to read books? We all should, but it's tough to know what is worth reading. Each week, this blog will spotlight a new book relevant for marketers or people in business with ideas worth learning and sharing. Through a combination of a personal interview with the Authors, and short review – you'll

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Why Your Business Needs Social Media Geeks As Customers

This post is republished from my original article published on the Amex Open Forum website. It is part of “Small Business Friday” on this blog, where I share ideas and marketing techniques specifically to help small businesses stand out. To read more articles like this, visit the “Small Business Friday” category on this blog. There

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What's Next For The World's Biggest Virtual Earthq ...

On October 21st of this year, nearly 8 million people across California dove under desks, strapped large appliances to the walls and participated in what could easily be called the largest virtual event of the year – if not the decade. It was called The Great Shakeout, an annual earthquake simulation that for the first

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The Pink Backlash: Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Awarene ...

This weekend I watched NFL football players with pink shoes ferociously attack each other. At every break, TV ads for all kinds of brands used varying shades of pink for the same cause. On my flight yesterday, as the cabin crew on my Delta flight checked our tickets, they were adorned with pink scarves and

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30 Second Book Review: Spend Shift

Who has time to read books? We all should, but it's tough to know what is worth reading. Each week, this blog will spotlight a new book relevant for marketers or people in business with ideas worth learning and sharing. Through a combination of a personal interview with the Authors, and short review – you'll

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Why Marketers Suck At Customer Service (And 3 Ways To Improv ...

The truth isn't pretty – but it is time we owned up to it. Most people who work in marketing would make terrible customer service people. Our job, inherently, is to influence consumers in some way to take an action that positively impacts our company. We want them to buy from us, or talk about

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Life And Marketing Lessons From LIVESTRONG CEO Doug Ulman

Every day too many people hear the three worst words in the English language: “you have cancer.” That was one of the many insights that emerged in my talk with Doug Ulman on the stage last night at BlogWorld as we talked about the fight against cancer, his personal battle as a three time cancer

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5 Things I’ve Learned About Blogging After 6 Years

I am spending the end of this week surrounded by fellow bloggers at the annual Blogworld Expo in Las Vegas and it is one of my favorite events of the year both for the quality of the show and speakers as well as for the singular focus on blogging as a topic.  This year, I

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Upcoming Events & How To Be A Marketing Generalist

If you work in marketing today, it is easy to become focused on a niche. In fact, most of the best and smartest people in marketing are the ones who do exactly that. They focus on an industry, become an expert and are sought after for their thinking and advice by others in that industry.

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The GAP Logo Poll: Is Ignoring Brand Equity A New Marketing ...

It is easy to take relationships for granted. This is in business or life, when something becomes so familiar it can fall into the back ground and its value becomes easy to forget. Last year Tropicana launched an entirely new brand look and had the customers up in arms about the new design*. Within months

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