Why TV Doesn't Matter For The Super Bowl Ripple Effect

The Super Bowl is the largest advertising event in the world. This year, brands will pay an average of $2.8 million to $3.0 million for 30 seconds of airtime during the Big Game – a resurgence after a rare decrease in rates for Super Bowl spots in 2010. Unlike last year, where slots were still

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The Laugh Track Principle

This post is republished from my original article on the Amex Open Forum website. It is part of "Small Business Friday" on this blog, where I share ideas and marketing techniques specifically to help small businesses stand out. To read more articles like this, visit the "Small Business Friday" category on this blog. In the

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The Publishing Industry Gets Its Own Social Network

The publishing industry is one that gets a lot of attention from many different places. For all of this attention, though, there has never been a single location that brought together the many different voices of publishers, authors and agents all talking about the industry they have devoted their lives to. The magazines for the

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