6 Marketing Lessons From A Hollywood Movie Producer

The morning after the Academy Awards celebrated everything about movies, the one underappreciated ingredient that every winning film had was a champion that helped that film to get made. Usually that person is the producer, who could easily be described as as a cheerleader with vision. The producer is the one who needs to believe

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How Levi's Rear View Girls Video Went Sneakily Viral

About two weeks ago, Levi's creative team in Australia hatched what seemed like a brilliant campaign stunt idea to promote the Levi's Curve ID jeans for women. They hired two models from New Zealand, equipped them with an "ass cam" that would tape people watching them on the street and sent them out in LA

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4 Ways Marketing Can Help You Get Paid Faster

While marketing can do many things for your business such as help you acquire new customers or increase your sales, helping you get paid faster is probably not among the things that you are focusing your marketing efforts on – but perhaps you should be. Here are four ideas for how simple changes in your

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How Advertising Saved Art, Pixar And (Maybe) Creativity

There was a time when Pixar nearly went out of business. Yes, the studio that has been essentially printing their own money thanks to an unbroken string of hits like the Toy Story trilogy, Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo was not always so invincible. In the early 90s, Pixar was in danger of going bankrupt,

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The Influential Marketing Book List – February 2011

Who has time to read books? We all should, but it's tough to know what is worth reading. As an Author myself, I have a unique point of view on what I look for in great books. This monthly feature will spotlight and review several new books relevant for marketers or people in business with

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How To Use President's Day To Promote Your Business

Now that the big retail season has come and gone, most retailers are looking forward to the next big moment where shopping becomes top of mind – and for many it will be this coming President's Day weekend. Most businesses are wondering how they can most effectively get their piece of the pie in a

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Why The Future Of Travel & Destination Marketing Is All ...

Today content curation is rapidly finding roots in the highly immersive world of travel as more people share their personal experiences as a way to influence others on not only where to stay and what to do … but also where to go in the first place.
The Bottom Line: Curation is already transforming the way that people answer the all important question of where to go, but so far innovations are coming more from technology based startups rather than destinations themselves. In the near future, we will start to see more local, state and country tourism boards as well as convention and visitor bureaus using curation to better promote their destinations to all kinds of travelers.

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The Tower Of London's Big Marketing Mistake

The Tower Of London is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London with many sources of tourist information proudly declaring its heritage as a place where hundreds of years of history have taken place, royalty have walked and prisoners have been tortured. It is this last point that awakens the imagination and captures

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How Indifferent Authors Might Kill Traditional Publishing

The eBook won’t kill publishing, but the traditional book and its indifferent author just might. There was a time when the stereotypical aspiring author with a big idea would go from publisher to publisher in search of a believing partner. Few books would make it through the editorial filter to get published, but those that

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The Best And Worst Of Super Bowl Marketing Strategy 2011

This is not a blog post about the funniest ads. Or the most popular. If you’re reading this post, you probably care about the marketing lessons you can take away from the Super Bowl. So, without further ado – here is a roundup of the best and worst of the Super Bowl marketing from last

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