IStock_000018731881XSmallBefore I ever wrote my first book, I had always heard a few things about the process of writing.  The most common was that the experience is kind of like digging yourself into a hole. You "hide" in there while you are writing and finally at the end of the process, you emerge. You deliver the book and start talking about it to try and get people to buy and read it.

For long time readers of my blog, you've probably noticed some drop off in how often I have been writing posts over the past few months. Knowing that I have been working on Likeonomics, most of you probably assumed that I was in "the hole" trying to finish the book. It is nearly done – but I've been thinking that this analogy doesn't seem quite right for me.

Instead, it feels like I've been in a cave.

A hole is something you dig yourself into and then find it tough to get out.  A hole is lonely.  A cave, in contrast, is a place to explore.  People go in there together.  They find things they didn't expect.  They emerge somehow better than when they went in.

FB_15Trends_2012For my part, the cave has helped me to focus on writing the book.  It has also let me spend a lot of time thinking about what is in store for marketing and business in 2012. To that end, I have just shared an exclusive download of my 2012 Trends report on my Facebook page at Later this afternoon the presentation will go live on Slideshare. 

It's just one of the interesting pieces of content and thinking that I will be working on to share this year as I reemerge from the cave to start blogging more often and rejoining the online community above ground. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the trend report and happy new year!