If there is one fact I have seen over and over from just about anyone who runs a website … it is that we all are constantly dreaming about redesigning our sites. Almost from the day we launch, we can’t help thinking about all the things we would like to add to our sites and what we would change if we could start over. For me, that process started more than 8 years ago when I first launched my blog. Back then, I titled it “Influential Interactive Marketing” and thought I would focus on user interface design.

Over the next 8 years, I changed the branding to “Influential Marketing,” signed two book deals with large publishers, launched a movement the digital marketing industry by first creating the idea of “Social Media Optimization (SMO)” and then later focused on sharing any insights I could offer on marketing, business and culture – not necessarily in that order.

For long time readers of my blog, you probably also noticed that right around the time I started using Twitter more often – my blog post volume went down. Over the past several months, as I finally started the development for this redesign I have been thinking about for more than 8 years, I started blogging even less. And then I launched Likeonomics – and time became even more precious.

As you can see, today I finally launched my new site, with new and better branding, extended details about my speaking, more videos and a more modern design and layout. And I moved it from Typepad to WordPress. Thanks to some great work from the team at Out:think – I have a new site that I’m thrilled about and I hope you like it too. Now that the book is launched, I plan to refocus on sharing my insights here on my blog more regularly.

In the meantime, if you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement, please share them in a comment. Let me know what you think, good or bad – because your comments really help to improve the site. And I am pretty sure I won’t be able to resist starting tomorrow morning to plan my next redesign anyway. 🙂