Carehacking And 14 Other Predictions For The Future Of Healt ...

Empowerment. Technology. Innovation. ePatients. These are just some of the buzzwords being frequently used in global discussions about healthcare. Every day there are new media reports about the failures and successes of those leading and shaping healthcare industry. Meanwhile, people battling illness are having deeply personal and unique experiences — far removed from the public

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4 Lessons From The Year’s Best Marketing Campaign

Every year, Advertising Age magazine publishes a report that looks at the collective results from nine of the most globally respected industry award shows in the advertising industry—from the Cannes International Festival of Creativity to the Clios. The number-one award recipient this year wasn’t a tear-jerking celebrity sports ad or a preview of a hot new holiday

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Remembering Nelson Mandela

I didn’t expect to be this sad over the death of a man I never met. A few years ago when I traveled to South Africa, I first realized the awesome power that Mandela held over his country and wrote about it in a post about the challenges of “leaderless revolutions” and why the world

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16 Ways To Make Social Media More Effective

If I said I never used anything I learned in algebra class, I’d be lying. In my career as a marketer and communicator, I’ve never had much use for sophisticated math. But I have had plenty of use for the life lesson that algebra offered – of being forced to do something uninteresting simply because

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The HSBC Story: How To Squander Great Advertising And Lose A ...

In case you hadn’t noticed, your bank wants to upsell you more services – and sometimes that’s not a bad thing. Unless your bank happens to be HSBC. There is a well known model in the financial industry for customer evolution that is based on lifetime customer value. If you deliver a great service and

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