During a session run by Tara Garnett from the Food Climate Research Network at the Corporate Climate Response Conference, she shared a wide range of interesting research that was likely difficult for most participants to absorb quickly enough (and extremely difficult to keep up with for blogging purposes!). Luckily, FCRN has a fantastic research archive published online at their website and also provide links to an assortment of research from other groups collected into a single archive. One of the more interesting points Garnett raised was what steps regular consumers could take in order to change their own eating habits to make an impact on CO2 emissions. This is often a little talked about topic, and as Garnett noted, it is notoriously difficult to ask consumers to do – mostly because of the huge cultural significance of food and the difficulty of sacrifice. For many consumers, however, it may simply be a lack of information. For all of them, here are 7 tips Garnett shared about ways you can change your eating habits to have an impact:

  1. Change the balance of what you eat (less meat and dairy, “lower down” on the food chain)
  2. Choose seasonal field grown foods (require less storage, heating & transport)
  3. Do not eat or purchase certain foods (including foods that are hothoused or those that are air freighted)
  4. Reduce your dependence on the “cold chain” (get rid of the second freezer, choose less processed robust foods and do more frequent non car-based shopping)
  5. Waste less food (improve your “food turnover” to eat what you buy sooner and reduce wastage)
  6. Cook more efficiently (cook for more people and for several days at a time, use the oven less frequently)
  7. Redefine your ideal for quality (be willing to accept variability in quality and supply

Anyone have any other tips to offer?

Note: This is a republished entry that was originally posted on the Climate Response Blog.