360di_greepower_badge Starting on Tuesday of this week, I will be in London attending the Corporate Climate Response event put on as part of the Green Power Conference series.  The 360 Digital Influence team has signed on as the official blogging and video blogging partner for the event, and as part of our involvement I will be live blogging from the floor of the event, doing live interviews, and sharing insights and discussions from the event real time.  It is particularly exciting because the format of the event is very centered on case studies, which should likely yield some great content and lessons from very forward thinking companies in this space who been leading the way on a coordinated corporate reponse to the global issue of climate change. 

As part of the event, we have put together a list of blogs that we’ve been reading as part of the Ogilvy Climate Response BlogFeed.  Throughout the event we will also be trying several new things to capture discussion and thoughts from people around the world and try to bring these views into the event.  Ultimately, we hope to end up with an archive of useful material and also help the content of the event travel far beyond the confines of the CBI Center in London.  Over the next week, I’ll be cross posting thoughts on this blog and look forward to getting your input on how we can make this event (and the discussion on this issue) as interactive and fruitful as possible.