How Social Media Will Change History

There is a cliche that many people often share about history, and how it is written by the victors. The conquerors across the world, for the most part, are the ones who transcribed the history for others to read. We have terms like “revisionist history” to account for the fact that we realize the truth

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I Am Sooo NOT Tweeting This!

Sometimes I think I live an overtweeted life. I'm on nearly every social network and I revel in the instant-on real time pleasure of knowing what people are craving or bitching about anywhere in the world at any given moment. Despite the incessant distraction of this "ambient awareness" – I'm a keen believer too that

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The Worst Hotel In The World

Imagine for a moment if you were the marketing director in charge of a considerably seedy backpacker hotel in Amsterdam. The property you are responsible for promoting is so spartan that they have pictures of chairs on the walls as an ironic replacement to having an actual chair in the rooms. There is no guarantee

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BzzAgent Tackles The Elusive Problem Of Brand Communities

What if all the people who were truly passionate about your brand had a single place to gather? Somewhere that they could share content and opinions, organize real life events, ask one another questions, and just about any other activity that happens in a real community. It's pretty obvious to see the value in something

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IdeaBar: APM – Automated Printing Machines

Have you ever wished it was easier to print something out while you were on the road? Whether it's a boarding pass or a list of local restaurants, or a guide to a local attraction you are standing in front of. Right now, we can carry 20 GB hard drives in our pocket, and access

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Untangling Your Brand: 4 Marketing Lessons From Lost

Last night was the season finale of the TV show Lost – and just in case you haven’t watched it and have it sitting on DVR waiting for you, don’t worry … there are no spoilers in this post. Actually, though I’m an enthusiast of the show, the reason for this post isn’t to gush

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The Greatly Exaggerated Death Of The "Who's Who&qu ...

Are you old enough to remember the "Who's Who" list? Actually, it's not just one list but many companies that offer these sorts of lists. Usually they are billed as professional networking groups of influential people and they actively recruit new members through flattering emails and letters talking about "exclusivity" and "rare achivements." In the

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Ogilvy On Recession

When it comes to selling services in a downturn, sometimes the best message to send is that we are all feeling the same pain. The economy has been extremely tough for marketing, forcing many companies to lower their overall spend, or at the very least to get smarter and more careful about where they spend.

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How To Get Your Lawyers To Let You Do What You Want

In the field of medicine, sometimes a patient armed with the right information can make an impact in their own healthcare through self diagnosis and get the right treatment faster as a result. This idea of self diagnosis is relevant in the legal world as well, only it's not about diagnosing a problem. There is

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Inside The Non Profit Social Networking Survey

A few weeks ago, I received a link to "NonProfit Social Network Survey" – an effort focused on analyzing how nonprofits are using social media and networking tools to connect with their supporters and raise money. I was intrigued, but had a few additional questions for the researchers from that report. They kindly responded and

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