Sometimes I think I live an overtweeted life. I'm on nearly every social network and I revel in the instant-on real time pleasure of knowing what people are craving or bitching about anywhere in the world at any given moment. Despite the incessant distraction of this "ambient awareness" – I'm a keen believer too that it helps me get closer to people that I would otherwise never have the chance to get to know, and smarter about the world in general. For the interconnected life I lead, though, I love my time away from it as well. It's not uncommon for me to "go dark" on Twitter most weekends, or to randomly take a break from blogging. Those are the moments when I'm part of my real world, being a Dad or just decompressing. And I pride myself on not being the guy in the corner tweeting every moment of a party (even if it's full of social media geeks like me). I'd rather just talk to people. The point is, there's a time when all this stuff needs to be shut off.

IStock_000005582314XSmall For me, that time is going to be this coming week – when I take a vacation to Paris and then on to several Greek islands with my wife (and no kids). I plan to relax, to write and to spend some time in a beautiful environment getting inspired. Most of that doesn't really involve Twitter. So tonight I'm scheduling a few posts with photos to go live on my blog over the week (as a virtual way to share where I am going to be) … but otherwise I'm hanging up the proverbial "gone fishing" sign and planning to be back on June 1st with more posts and more than likely a few marketing lessons I have learned along my journey. After all, I may be able to leave Twitter behind … but I'll always be a writer at heart and have my Moleskine and pen by my side to capture ideas as they happen.

For a digital guy, I'm still old school like that.