Scariest Viral Marketing Campaign Ever

Movie marketing is always fun to watch, because in the midst of all the formulaic voice-overs in the same baritone predicting a hero or heroine finding "the one thing they never expected" … there is also a furious desire/necessity to do something different to connect with audiences and increase intrigue enough to get "bums in

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360 Degree Digital Influence

Though I consider myself a marketing-guy at heart … the past few years of my career have been spent working first in advertising agencies, and most recently in a large public relations agency.  Ok, I know they’re all connected – but today I’m glad that I’m in public relations.  With the rise of blogs, and

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What Comes First – Creative or Media Planning?

An article released today from Media Life focuses on the rise of media planning and buying jobs in the market – with online recruiting website Talent Zoo reporting that "the number of media jobs available is roughly three times greater than it was this time last year, with the heaviest demand for these hard-to-find mid-level

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Contextual Advertising – The Cure for Database Poisoni ...

Whoever has the misfortune of the email address definitely hates me.  If he exists, I’d like to apologize to him for the hundreds of sites that I’ve avoided providing my real details to by usurping his good name.  Of course, I also have my own email address set up just to register on sites

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Using Procrastination

Waiting until the last minute for anything is a way of life, one that is instilled in each of us through our many years of education — elementary through university.  Sure, it would be smarter to do things ahead of time, plan things out … but when it comes to school work, and eventually, "real"

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Are Bloggers the Historians of our Time?

This weekend I came across Joel Achenbach’s weekly article in the Washington Post Magazine on the topic of blogs.  In it, he satirically notes the growing influence of bloggers and blog culture on himself and his readers: I constantly tell myself: Ignore the blog. Do your work. You are an enormous literary figure and cultural

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Geotagging, Virtual Earth, and Local Search

With all the recent press about the largely two player race towards local search with Yahoo and Google battling for control of the bulk of local searches – I came across an interesting blog from Mark Law, MSN’s lead project manager for Virtual Earth.  Ok, we knew Microsoft would get in the game – and

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Lessons from Dumb Spokesperson Campaigns

In the PR world, I have witnessed no better way to throw hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain than to pay some expensive and questionably effective spokesperson to do a range of marketing activities, satellite media tours, and limited half-day appearances.  True metrics supporting celebrity spokesperson choices are often difficult to find.  As

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Yahoo Taps Celebrities to Blog about Cancer

In a fascinating combination of blog culture and pop/celebrity culture (something Yahoo is getting better and better at – probably thanks to Terry Semel) – the new Blog for Hope is a partnership between the site and the American Cancer Society designed as a 30-day event which enlists the help of celebrities such as Sen.

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The Rule of Recency – Why Updating Content Matters

A recent ad in the Washington Post takes aim at the’s of the Internet who have taken away ad revenue from job classified ads (a cash cow for newspapers in the past).  The ad copy reads "The average job listing in The Post is 2 days old. The average job listing online is 2

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