I2m_9rules_leaf_1 9 Rules is an online network of blogs dedicated to uniting bloggers passionate about their efforts in many different categories.  For more than a year, I have been an active reader of many of the blogs in the network; particularly in the marketing community.  Folks like Cameron Olthuis and Karl Long.  One of my favourite marketing personalities (and heroes), Guy Kawasaki is also part of the network.  Several weeks ago I submitted my blog for the first time as part of 9 Rules’ Round 5 open submission and yesterday I learned that the Influential Interactive Marketing blog was selected to join the network.  I added the customary leaf to my sidebar and will soon have my blog listed in the marketing and business communities on 9 Rules. 

I’m looking forward to contributing to the community and getting familiar with all of the bloggers in the marketing community as well as in the other 32 communities. Congrats also to Lee Odden, Eric + Lee, Andrew Wee, and Richard Ball – who all joined the 9 Rules marketing community in Round 5 as well (apologies if I missed any new marketing bloggerss).  Be sure to visit the 9 Rules site and add some new ones to your reading list for the new year … I will definitely be doing the same.