I2m_ogilvyprandypulse Yesterday I moderated a panel on user generated content at the Millennials Conference put on by my friends at Digital Media Wire, an event that featured many brands, thinkers and even millennials themselves talking about media and marketing to this new generation of young people.  I published two separate summaries of the event, the first of which was about the multicultural thread that I noted throughout the event which you can read on the 360 Digital Influence team blog.  I am part of the 360 Digital Influence team and the group blog features lots of great ideas from folks on our team and is a worthwhile read.  The other recap was written for Anastasia and the readers of YPulse, a popular marketing blog all about targeting Millennials (alternately called Generation Y).  If you haven’t seen of visited Ypulse and do any marketing targeting youth today, I highly recommend adding it to your list of blogs you read regularly.  And Anastasia has a new book out called Totally Wired which is also well worth picking up if you want to get inside the wired lives of the milllennial generation.

A Recap of The Millennials Conference On YPulse
The Multicultural Mindset of Millennials on the 360 Digital Influence Blog