4 Trends That Signal the Future of Online Retail

In the industry I work in, it’s easy to get overly passionate about all of the new sites emerging every day that fit into this Web2.0 classification the industry has created.  The majority of these sites are willing to trade short term revenue for the prospect of building up a user base.  New users have

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Book Review: The Four Hour Workweek

Time management is not an easy skill to learn.  We all struggle everyday with finding the right amount of time to do all these things we need to do, and along the way we are bombarded with advice.  Much of it falls into cliche advice like finding time for what’s "really important" in your life. 

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The Real Secret of Relevance in Marketing

Good marketing comes in two forms, not one.  There is marketing that is relevant, appears at the right time to the right people and is likely to influence actions.  This is the kind of marketing that everyone in the industry strives for.  It’s what we think is good.  The problem is, it misses the one

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Notes on the Vibe from Ad-Tech San Francisco

Despite the temptation to do some live blogging from the event yesterday, and the fact that I came away with notes on several sessions from the event – this is not another recap post.  I love those posts and there have been several good ones, including one of our panel as well.  The most interesting

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Inside the Art of Brand Personality: A Preview of Ad-Tech Pa ...

Tomorrow I will be leading a fantastic panel of social media personalities talking about the art of creating and fostering a brand personality through social media.  As I have shared before, I am extremely excited about this session and in particular about learning from the panelists who are participating about how they have managed to

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A Few Non-boring Ways to Use Twitter For Marketing

Since around the time of SxSW and perhaps earlier, the buzz on Twitter has gone through the roof.  Collecting groups of text messages and emails from people cataloguing "what they are doing now" might seem like a colossal waste of time, but it has found a devoted following from bloggers and those actively engaged in

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Streakers, Gunmen and The Death of Network News

Here’s a fact: if you get naked and run across the football field at an NFL game, you won’t get on television.  The World Cup and most international soccer leagues have also instituted the same policy.  If a streaker makes it onto the field, the television cameras cut away from the action and the commentators

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2 Recaps of The Millennials Conference

Yesterday I moderated a panel on user generated content at the Millennials Conference put on by my friends at Digital Media Wire, an event that featured many brands, thinkers and even millennials themselves talking about media and marketing to this new generation of young people.  I published two separate summaries of the event, the first

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The Indian Film Festival, Permanence and the Internet

Last night I had the chance to attend the opening of the Indian Film Festival here in LA, which opened with a film called Provoked featuring Aishwarya Rai and Naveen Andrews.  The film tackles the difficult topic of domestic violence and is based on a true story.  After watching the story being told and thinking

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Marketing Ideas from Web 2.0 Expo

It took me a bit longer than expected to gather these thoughts together, but there was plenty of smart stuff happening at the Web 2.0 Expo this week in San Francisco.  I considered doing a wrap up of sites from the event, but taking a quick look at other posts out there, it seems that’s

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