Firebrand Shows Ads The Way MTV Used To Show Music Videos

The dirty little secret that most people who make their living marketing on the Internet will never tell you is that they love watching TV spots.  Of course, it is frustrating how much clients spend on questionably effective television advertising … and there are a lot of crappy TV ads being produced.  But what if

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Influential Marketing Blog Featured in Wall Street Journal

Many of you may have already caught this yesterday, but this blog was cited in the Recommended Reading  section of the Wall Street Journal yesterday in an article by Keith Huang.  As Jay Berkowitz from Ten Golden Rules shares on his team blog, my blog was one of 60 resources that they recommended to the

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Casting Call: Your Chance to Speak at Ad:Tech NY

One of the questions I have gotten from more than a few readers is how to get into speaking at events and conferences.  It is surprisingly more easy than it may seem, but the real challenge is breaking into your first conference speaking chance.  Perhaps you work for a small company, or you are still

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8 Unique Reasons People Like Twitter (And Why Microblogging ...

On the surface, capturing what you are doing on daily, hourly or even minutely (double meaning intended) basis seems like a useless activity.  Who has the time to send these incessant "tweets" all day long?  As it turns out, lots of smart folks with respectable jobs, but that’s besides the point.  Driven by Mark Simon’s

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Idea Bar: Self Destructing Emails

People often ask me how long a blog post takes.  Some take months of collecting information, most take an hour or two, and then there are posts like this one.  A quick idea, written in about 5 or 10 minutes … in this case, the quick idea came from going through my emails and realizing

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Bringing Social Media to Promo Live

Today I have the chance to join a marketing panel at an event that I wouldn’t normally have the chance to attend, Promo Live.  The event is all about promotion marketing and as a result there are many sessions that seem interesting and different for me from most of the interactive events I make it

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Idea Bar: The Universal Invite/Connect/Poke/Follow/Subscribe ...

I have a profile on just about every social network that I can find.  That doesn’t mean I use all of them, of course, but I am starting to run into a very interesting problem that I have to assume others are running into as well.  The problem is keeping my social network synchronized.  I

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The Great Twitter Experiment

Ok, maybe not so great – but over the next week I am going to become an active Twitter user.  I have not been a huge user of Twitter, though I have written before about seeing the potential for using it for marketing.  Recently, there have been several other folks also speaking out about how

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Three Simple Words And Three Sites Every Marketer Should Rea ...

There are a lot of resources out there for marketers.  We read books and blog posts and articles and magazines and podcasts and video blogs and … well, let’s just say the list goes on and on.  Like a lot of people in our industry, I follow a lot of links and have a lot

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Why 10 Asinine Trends Might Still Matter

Earlier this week, I posted on our 360 Digital Influence team blog about Mark Simon’s piece in AdAge titled "Beyond the Hype: The 10 Most Asinine Trends Online and Why You Should Ignore Them") and about the type of counsel I think we should be offering to our clients.  My main point is that we

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