Something is changing in the world of interactive marketing. For five years now I've written about the intersection of all kinds of marketing, ranging from talking about television and "traditional" media to newer social forms of media. Through it all I have tried to focus on trends happening in the marketing world with an aim of keeping my blog current. That's why over two years ago I changed the name of this blog from "Influential Interactive Marketing" – to just "Influential Marketing." My thought at the time was that talking more broadly about marketing would allow me to offer more valuable content and help readers think about their marketing more holistically rather than just in terms of the latest greatest tool or site.

Let me be the first to admit that I think this may have been a mistake. By talking about marketing in all forms, some have emailed and told me that I no longer have the purity of talking about a single subject extensively. They may be right. So today I'm announcing a shift in focus for this blog. From this point on, I will only write about marketing in real time. That means profiling campaigns as they happen and sharing experiences live. In fact, I'm going to make this blog more like a Twitter stream.

UPDATE: Due to popular demand, I'm going to be changing the name of this blog as well. Check out the new blog header already live for "Twinfluential Marketing."

No one has time to read full length blog posts anymore anyway, so rather than spend hours putting those together, I'll shift my priority to small pithy nuggets of marketing goodness, delivered 3-5 times a week. Of course, this means I'll devote more of my blog to talking about Twitter – how great it is, how you can use it for marketing, how it's changing the world, etc. That's all most readers want to read about anyway. And as anyone in search knows, those Twitter lists are awesome traffic drivers too.

Coming up tomorrow – my inaugural post after the refocus that I've been researching for weeks – "How Twitter Can Solve The Financial Crisis" …  … hope you enjoy it!

PS – Let me know what you think of this refocus and please help me spread the word and retweet this message:
Starting today, Influential Marketing Blog will focus on the "now." Read why:

NOTE: This was an April Fool's Day post – read my real perspective here.