The Captive Audience

We spend a lot of time in marketing thinking about how we might engage our customers to pay attention to what we have to share. In the best cases, we are not just interrupting them, but instead offering a message and content that solves a real problem. Nearly every time you might imagine this situation,

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4 Easy Ways To Lose Money Partnering With Groupon

Groupon has quickly become a lighting rod of debate among many small business owners. On the two sides of the issue about whether the service is good or bad for small business – the disagreement usually comes over the philosophy of deep discounting. Are you killing your profit margin in exchange for a short burst

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3 Ways To Inspire Your Employees With Social Media

As the full swing of the summer is starting up, if you are in any sort of retail business – chances are you have had to hire or release some of your employees to manage the seasonal flow of business. In other industries, keeping your employees motivated through the summer vacation and daydreaming season will

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The Anchoring Principle

On Black Friday, think about the most expensive product that you sell.  If you followed the advice of one particular behavioural economist named William Poundstone – you should triple it.  Last year Poundstone published a book called Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value (and How To Take Advantage Of It) where he shared a core

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Human Sizing: Why Offering Less Is A Great Business Strategy

One of the truths of many American chain restaurants is that they all offer a portion size that no normal person could possibly finish. In theory, this is meant to ensure that you always have some food to take home – though critics will often point to this lack of portion control as a major

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How To Benefit From A Corporate Master Brand

The romantic way to think about an entrepreneur and a small business owner is as someone who has no real rules they need to follow. As opposed to the worker chained to a corporate job, many small business owners have indeed chosen their path specifically because they wanted to control their own destiny and escape

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5 Tips For Getting More Press Coverage

One question that many small business owners often wonder is how to get more media attention for their small business. Just because you are a modest sized business, though, doesn’t mean that you should only aim for small localized coverage.  There is nothing wrong with branching out beyond your immediate market and aiming bigger as

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A Business Lesson From The Australian Outback

There are several kinds of trees in the Australian outback that need fire in order to survive. The seeds of these trees won’t germinate unless the outer shell of the seeds are burned off by a bush fire.  For thousands of years, this process happened naturally. The aboriginal populations who lived in those areas recognized

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How To Create A CSR Program For Your Small Business

  There is a relatively fancy term and acronym given to all the work that many large organizations do to combat many types of social causes. CSR – or Corporate Social Responsibility – is an umbrella term for everything from water conservation to fighting all kinds of addiction. Increasingly for many large businesses, it is

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5 Surprising Reasons Haters Are Good For Your Business

There are generally two kinds of businesses, the ones who are afraid of haters and the ones who aren't. A hater is pretty easy to spot – someone who is disgruntled enough to actively turn to every avenue they can find to talk about how much they hate you and your business. They often find

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